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Our Ultra Premium High Purity Resveratrol capsules contain 600mg of the highest quality, highest purity resveratrol in each serving. Sourced and produced using an extraction process to ensure 98% standardized purity.

How to take

Take 2 capsules daily with a full glass of water.

Full ingredients list

Resveratrol 98% Polygonum Cuspidatum), Vegetable Capsule Shell (HMPC), Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide.
  • Vegan
  • Potent Boost
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti Aging
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Key Benefits


Enhance energy levels, rejuvenating body and mind, amplifying overall vitality and productivity effectively for improved results.


By increasing metabolism, this supplement potentially aids in weight management, energy production, and overall wellness effectively.


Promoting anti-aging effects, this supplement reduces fine lines, enhances skin elasticity, and boosts overall well-being effectively.

Nutritional Supplements formulated with the finest ingredients, highest dosage and maximum potency.

Insynergy Labs is committed to formulating the World's best nutritional supplements. We do this by sourcing the finest, highest quality ingredients from the world's most advanced laboratories in optimal dosages and superior potency.

Gluten Free







Key ingredients


Resveratrol, found in grapes and red wine, offers potential cardiovascular benefits, antioxidant protection, and overall health support through its properties.

Cardiovascular benefits

Antioxidant protection

Found in grapes and red wine

Supports overall health

600 mg

Serving size

= 2 Capsules

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What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a natural polyphenolic compound found in certain plants, particularly in the skin of red grapes, peanuts, and certain berries. It has gained considerable attention in recent years due to its potential health benefits, particularly in the context of its association with the "French Paradox." The French Paradox refers to the observation that despite a diet relatively high in saturated fats, people in some parts of France have a lower incidence of heart disease, which has been partly attributed to the consumption of red wine, which contains resveratrol.

What are the main benefits of Resveratrol?

Key characteristics and potential health benefits of resveratrol include acting as a potent antioxidant, improving cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, neuroprotective effects, increasing longevity / anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties such as helping with arthritis.

Why is it so expensive?

Resveratrol is expensive due to extraction and sourcing as it’s labour-intensive and a difficult process. Resveratrol is present in natural sources like red wine but the concentration is relatively low, to obtain therapeutic levels vast quantities of natural compounds are consumed. Our formula is 98% Trans-Resveratrol derived from Japanese knotweed which is the highest strength available on the market for the highest levels of purity and potency.

Are there any side effects to taking Resveratrol?

No side effects are associated with taking Resveratrol.