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Our unique formula contains the ultimate dose of menopause relief via 15 of the most powerful heavily researched natural compounds to provide optimum support during the transition period of your menopause journey.

How to take

Take two (2) capsules daily, preferably with breakfast.

Full ingredients list

Dong Quai Powder, Korean Ginseng 20% Ginsenosides, Gingko Bilboa, Pine Bark Extract 95% Proanthocyanidins, Vitamin C, Red Clover Extract, Angus Castus, Black Cohosh, Soy Bean Extract 40% Isoflavones, Magnesium Citrate, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3, Iron, Vegetable Capsule Shell (HMPC), Brown Rice Flour (Gluten Free).
  • Hormone Balance
  • Energy
  • Fights Night Sweet
  • Mental Welbeing
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Key Benefits


Optimize hormone balance during perimenopause, potentially alleviating symptoms and promoting overall well-being for enhanced women's vitality.


Experience emotional balance with this supplement that supports managing mood swings during perimenopause, promoting overall well-being effectively.


Manage hot flushes during perimenopause, potentially reducing discomfort and enhancing overall well-being for improved comfort and quality of life.

Nutritional Supplements formulated with the finest ingredients, highest dosage and maximum potency.

Insynergy Labs is committed to formulating the World's best nutritional supplements. We do this by sourcing the finest, highest quality ingredients from the world's most advanced laboratories in optimal dosages and superior potency.

Gluten Free







Key ingredients

Korean Red Ginseng Root

Korean Red Ginseng Root supports energy, immunity, cognitive function, and overall well-being, offering potential health benefits through its properties.

Adaptogen for stress relief

Immune support

Cognitive enhancement

Physical performance boost

300 mg

Serving size

= 2 Capsules

Gingko Biloba Extract

Ginkgo Biloba extract supports cognitive function, circulation, and potential vision health, contributing to overall well-being through its natural properties.

Improves cognitive function

Enhances memory and mental clarity

Supports blood circulation

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

200 mg

Serving size

= 2 Capsules

Dong Quai Root

Dong Quai Root, known as "female ginseng," offers potential benefits for women's health, hormonal balance, and overall well-being.

Hormonal balance support

Menstrual cycle regulation

Menopausal symptom relief

Blood circulation improvement

400 mg

Serving size

= 2 Capsules

Pine Bark Extract

Pine Bark Extract, rich in antioxidants, supports cardiovascular health, skin elasticity, and potential cognitive function, promoting overall well-being.


Heart health support

Skin health benefits

Blood circulation enhancement

100 mg

Serving size

= 2 Capsules

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What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a transitional phase that typically occurs in women's lives in their 40s and 50s, leading up to menopause. During this time, hormonal fluctuations can result in a range of physical and emotional symptoms.

Why take a Perimenopause supplement?

Women choose to take perimenopause supplements to help manage symptoms associated with Perimenopause. You can ease symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, irregular periods and to provide hormonal balance.

Can I take a perimenopause supplement along with a prescription medication?

We advise to consult your GP or healthcare professional before you begin to use the supplement.

When will I know if this supplement is right for me?

Full effects will take place after 12 weeks of continued use, so please take daily and consistently for this amount of time before you decide if it’s right for you.